In the future, during earth’s darkest hour, GOD will raise up two exceptional and powerful preachers. They will fearlessly proclaim the gospel during the last three and one-half years of the seven-year Tribulation, the period Jesus called “the great tribulation” (Matt 24:21). In addition to preaching the gospel, these two preachers will proclaim GODs judgment on the wicked world. But before introducing these two faithful witnesses, John records a fascinating incident in which he himself took part, an incident that sets the stage for the arrival of the two preachers. –All comments are study notes from John MacArthur‘s New Testament Commentary
The Temple Measured ch 11:1-2 John was told to measure the temple of GOD. Obviously, this was nt an effort to determine its physical dimensions, since none are given, but was conveying some important truth beyond architecture. John’s measuring is best understood as signifying ownership, defining the parameters of GODs possession. This measuring signified something good, since what was not measured was evil. It is best to see it as GODs measuring off Israel, symbolized by her temple, for salvation and for His special protection, preservation, and favor.
The Tribulation temple will be built early in the first half of the Tribulation under the patronage and protection of Antichrist. The reinstitution of temple worship will reawaken interest on the part of many Jews in the Messiah. Many will realize that “it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (Heb 10:4). GOD will use that dissatisfaction to prepare their hearts for the day when He will . . . ‘pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace. . . In that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for impurity.’ Zech. 12:10-13:1. but that reawakening of interest in the true Messiah will provoke the insane jealousy of the false one. As more and more Jews return to the temple worship and begin seeking their Messiah, Antichrist will act. At the midpoint of the Tribulation, he will halt their worship, desecrate the temple (the abomination of desolation; Dan 9:27; 12:11; Matt. 24:15) and set himself up as the only acceptable object of worship.
By way of explanation, John was told not to measure the outer court because ,”it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months.” The 42 months correspond to the overtly evil career of Antichrist, which dominates the last half of the Tribulation. That period will be the culmination of the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24).
During this same 42 month period, GOD will shelter many Israelites in a place He has prepared for them in the wilderness (some speculate the rock city of Petra). The rest, however, who remain will face terrible persecution from the forces of Antichrist. At that time, GOD will bring salvation to Israel, using the two powerful preachers who will appear in Jerusalem and will also suffer hostility and hatred. At the end of the 42 months Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his forces, judge the nations, and establish His earthly millennial kingdom.
The Two Messengers Ch 11:3-14 — The connection between this vision of the two preachers and the previous passage should be clear. They are among GODs unique witnesses who will proclaim Hiss message of judgment during the final stages of the Gentile trampling on Jerusalem and will preach the gospel so that the Jewish remnant can believe and enjoy GOD’s protection.
Their Duty and Attitude — There are two witnesses because the Bible requires the testimony of two people to confirm a fact or verify truth (Deut. 17:6; Mat 18:16). It will be their responsibility to prophesy. Prophecy in the New Testament does not necessarily refer to predicting the future. Its primary meaning is “to speak forth”, to proclaim, or to preach. Sackcloth was rough, heavy, coarse cloth worn in ancient times as a symbol of mourning, distress, grief, and humility. The two witnesses will put on sackcloth as an object lesson to express their great sorrow for the wretched and unbelieving world. The will also mourn because of the desecration of the temple, the oppression of Jerusalem, and the ascendancy of Antichrist.
Their Identity — The question of who the two witnesses will be has intrigued Bible scholars over the years, and numerous possibilities have been suggest. John Identifies them merely as the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. Some speculate they could be Moses and Elijah.
Their Power — Whether or not the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah, they will have miraculous power similar to those two Old Testament figures.
Their Death — Sinful men will try desperately and unsuccessfully to get rid of the two witnesses throughout their ministry in a kind of kamikaze effort that results in their own incineration. GOD, however, will protect them until they have finished their testimony. At the end of that time, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them. The beast is a world ruler (often called Antichrist) who imitates the true Christ. Though his is a man, the beast is energized by the demonic presence and power coming from the abyss. To the great joy and relief of the sinful world, the beast will finally overcome the two witnesses and kill them. In the ancient world, exposing an enemy’s dead body was the ultimate way of dishonoring and desecrating them. The “great city” is Jerusalem. It appears that Jerusalem will be the seat of Antichrist’s rule. The death of the two witnesses will touch off wild celebrations around the world and they will give gifts to one another celebrating the death of these two prophets who tormented them.
Their Resurrection — The partying and gift giving of “Dead Witnesses Day” will be suddenly and dramatically halted by a most shocking event. After the 3/12 days during which their bodies lay in disgrace on a Jerusalem street, the breath of life from GOD came into the two witnesses, and they stood on their feet. Needless to say, great fear fell upon those who were watching them. Then came a loud voice from heaven saying to the two witnesses, “Come up here”. Then the two preachers went up into heaven in the cloud as their enemies watched them in awe. This two-man Rapture will no doubt also be replayed endlessly for the entire world to see.