Lamp To My Feet Bible Study
Revelation Chapter 13
In the chaotic times of confusion, uncertainty, and unrest that will prevail during the Tribulation, the world will long for a leader. People will be desperately hoping for someone powerful and influential to unite the divided and contentious nations of the world. The powerful leader people desire will come and unify the world under his…
Revelation Chapter 12
The Bible warns that “pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling”- Prov. 16:18. the most notorious and tragic illustration of that principle, the one with the most far-reaching consequences, was satan’s prideful rebellion against GOD. by it Lucifer, having fallen from heaven like lightning (Luke 10:18), was cast down from his exalted…
Revelation Chapter 11
In the future, during earth’s darkest hour, GOD will raise up two exceptional and powerful preachers. They will fearlessly proclaim the gospel during the last three and one-half years of the seven-year Tribulation, the period Jesus called “the great tribulation” (Matt 24:21). In addition to preaching the gospel, these two preachers will proclaim GODs judgment…
Revelation Chapter 10
Before the seventh trumpet sounds there will be an interlude, which stretches from ch10:1 to ch 11:14, allowing John to pause and assimilate the startling truths that just been revealed to him. These interludes encourage GODs people in the midst of fur and horror of divine judgment and remind them that GOD is still in…
Revelation Chapter 9
Because our world is the theater where the glorious, God-honoring story of redemption is played out, satan and his demon hosts have attacked the human race, turning the earth into the main battleground in their cosmic war against GOD, the holy angels, and the elect. Satan launched his first assault in the Garden of Eden,…
Revelation Chapter 8
When the Lamb opens the seventh and last seal on the little scroll that was the title deed to the earth, the judgments of the Day of the Lord will intensify and expand dramatically. This final seal contains within it the full sweep of the remaining divine judgments of the time of the Great Tribulation,…
Revelation Chapter 7
Revelation Ch. 6 looked at a time of unprecedented disaster, unrelieved terror, and unimaginable slaughter that lies ahead for the world. The world will refuse to acknowledge that the disasters of the first five seals are GODs judgment–despite the warnings from believers that they are. Ch. 7 forms a parenthetical section between the 6th &…
Revelation Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – The Seven Seals . . .Christ was the only One found worthy to open the little scroll–the title deed to the universe. As he breaks the 7 seals that secure the scroll, each seal unleashes a new demonstration of GODs judgment on the earth in the furture tribulation period. These seal judgments…
Revelation Chapter 5
Chapter 5 – A Vison of the Lamb. . . Throughout history there have been many pretenders to earth’s throne who have sought to conquer and rule the world. The first and most powerful and notorious usurper was satan. After his rebellion against GOD was crushed, he and his angelic followers were thrown out of…
Revelation Chapter 4
In chapter 4 we were given a sneak peek into the Throne Room of GOD. We saw GOD sitting on His throne which is “standing” in Heaven, representing His sovereign rule that is fixed. His rule is permanent, unshakable and He is in complete control of the universe. We learned the rainbow that surrounds the…