Revelation Chapter 4

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In chapter 4 we were given a sneak peek into the Throne Room of GOD. We saw GOD sitting on His throne which is “standing” in Heaven, representing His sovereign rule that is fixed. His rule is permanent, unshakable and He is in complete control of the universe. We learned the rainbow that surrounds the Throne represents a comforting balance to the fiery flashings of judgement that emanate from it. GODs attributes always operate in perfect harmony. His wrath never operates at the expense of His faithfulness; His judgments never do away with His promises. GODs power and holiness would cause us to live in abject terror were it not for His faithfulness and mercy. We were introduced to the 24 elders sitting on their thrones wearing gold crowns representing the Church. The 7 lamps of fire before the Throne represents the 7 Spirits of GOD: Isaiah 11:2 speaks of the sevenfold representation of the Holy Spirit which are wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, reverence, and deity. Next we were introduced to the Four Living Creatures that are in and around the Throne. The creatures are cherubim like the one GOD set guard at the entrance of the Garden of Eden after driving Adam & Eve out. These cherubim are full of eyes symbolizing their awareness, alertness. Nothing pertaining to their duties escapes their scrutiny. The first had a face like a lion (representing wild life). The second had a face like a calf (representing domestic animals). The third had a face like a man (representing the pinnacle of creation). The fourth had a face like an eagle (representing flying creatures). The four living creatures had 6 wings each. Two wings covered their face because even they cannot look upon the glory of GOD without be consumed. Two wings covered their feet because there were on Holy ground and two wings were used to fly. These 4 cherubim will play an important role in the coming judgments of the Tribulation.

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